......DRINKING CAN LEAD TO RUDENESS..... It must be admitted that, at various times in our lives, all of us are wont to "let the spirits lift us" and imbibe a trifle. When this occurs, you will find that you lose a great deal of your hard-won self-control and are possessed by an overwhelming urge to perform all manner of (or should we say all non-manners of!) considerably rude acts, such as telling the gentleman next to you that his face looks as if his mother had hoped to give birth to a tire iron, or that his opinions on political matters make you want to regurgitate several week's worth of cheap diner food onto his tie (which you also find particularly ugly)......Our advice, then, is simply this: try, if possible, not to say such things, and also attempt, whenever you can, to avoid hitting people. If you simply have to hit someone, pick out someone who is either smaller than you or still sober, and preferably both